Swedish Weaving (or huck toweling) is an age-old method of weaving yarn or other threads on a waffle weave material to create beautiful patterns. Using monks cloth, students will learn how to read a pattern, estimate yarn lengths, and use one of several stitches to finish off the material. This class will accommodate beginners and advanced students.
Cost of Class: $45
Supply Cost: $0
Supplies to be Provided:
Bodkins or yarn needles, scissors, tape measures
Supplies for Students to bring:
One to three yards of prepared monks cloth (monks cloth is available at Walmart), one skein of yarn student choice
To prepare the monks cloth:
1- Machine sew a zigzag line along all raw edges
2- Wash monks cloth in hot water wash and hot water rinse
3- Dry on high heat
Ages 16+ click the button below to register: