Creature Camp: Decomposers and Digesters (Rising 4th-6th Graders)
What happens when a tree falls in the forest? What exactly is a fungus? Are all bacteria bad? How do bones become fossils? Join us to learn all about what happens behind the scenes as things decompose, why it is so important and ways that nature preserves! We will look into how we combat decomposers and digesters through different methods of preservation as well as ways that we have harnessed their power to help with recycling, healthy diets and more! Also, we will participate in an outdoor field trip to search for some of nature's decomposers and digesters!
Dates: June 22-26, 2020 (Monday-Friday)
Ages: Rising 4th-6th Graders
Times: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Location: 113 Chappell Hall * 211 Clarke Street
Fee: $149
Instructor: Ruth Eilers
Visit this link for all information: